Yesterday, I was showing the scenery of Alberta to our visitors, Jennifer and Raymond Desjardins when we came across some bighorn sheep, patrolling Highway 40 in Kananaskis Country. Never shy, two rams were strolling down the middle of the road, oblivious to the traffic they were delaying. Exercising a little patience, we managed to get a few photographs and were allowed to drive on.
I like this particular photo, captured once the two sheep had moved to the side of the road. I regret I missed a great shot of one of them scaling the almost vertical rock face beside the road. He didn’t signal he was going to do it and it happened too fast to react. It was amazing to see how agile and strong these sheep can be! This fellow looks a little scruffy, which is normal at this time of the year when they shed their heavy, winter coat for lighter, more fashionable summer attire.