The holiday is over and we’re back in Canmore. No more tropical weather but no more living out of a suitcase either! I’m actually glad to be experiencing some winter. The temperatures are pretty good and we’re getting some fresh snow from time to time. I managed to get some pictures right around our house, no need to get all dressed up and go for a drive! All the pictures were taken with a telephoto lens, one that I had damaged earlier this winter. I sent it to Canon for repair and it was returned yesterday. I wanted to try it out to be sure that I am satisfied with the repairs. I’m satisfied! Hope you too will like the results.
I used my recently repaired EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6L USM lens for this shot, with a focal length of 200 mm. With an aperture setting of f8, I got a very shallow depth of field, enabling me to focus attention on the icicles.
I took this picture using the same telephoto lens. I didn’t have to go far, just around to the side of the house. Essentially the same settings but I increased the focal length to 250 mm, given that the subject was about 30 ft away. Again, with an aperture of f8, the dof is quite shallow. Who needs to see all that stuff in the background!
The next two shots were taken using almost the full magnification of the lens, a focal length of 380 mm. Both pictures were taken from our rear deck, starting with Cascade Mountain, 23 km down the valley from our house.
The final picture is one of Mount Rundle, much closer at only 9.75 km away. Same focal length, 380 mm.
Given the shorter distance to Mount Rundle and the same magnification, I have a much tighter shot displaying only the peak and not very much else of the mountain. As you can see, we have lots of snow, much more than we had earlier this winter. I look forward to enjoying the rest of the winter and the great photographic opportunities at this time of the year.